Funny Girl at August Wilson Theatre

Kit Kat Club at the August Wilson Theatre, New York, New York



Funny Girl is HUGE! You've seen it all over the internet, so nows your chance to get involved and see it for real in the fall of 2022! What a perfect night you'll have in October! Showing in the impressive August Wilson Theatre, New York City, New York, 'the premier place in town' say many visitors, and they're right according to perfect reviews! Saturday 8th October 2022 you need to cancel anything you have on because word has it you'll be at Funny Girl! To obtain a set of golden tickets, click the booking link now! This will be the experience of a lifetime!

Funny Girl at August Wilson Theatre

Theatre models for us a type of public discourse that lies at the heart of the usual life, and develops our skills for listening to different sides of a conversation or argument, and sympathizing with the struggles of our fellow human beings, whatever their views may be. When we watch a play, we learn what can happen when conflicts don't get resolved, and what happens when they do. We develop our faculty for imagining the outcomes of different choices we might make in our personal lives and our political lives. It's not surprising that, in repressive societies, theatre has often been aligned with the movement toward openness and freedom. All of these things are a part of the most amazing show in all of 2022, the stunning Funny Girl, which will appear at the iconic August Wilson Theatre!

Funny Girl at August Wilson Theatre



Funny Girl

Kit Kat Club at the August Wilson Theatre



Funny Girl

August Wilson Theatre



Funny Girl

August Wilson Theatre



Funny Girl

August Wilson Theatre



Funny Girl

August Wilson Theatre



Funny Girl

August Wilson Theatre



Funny Girl

August Wilson Theatre

About the Venue

kit kat club at the august wilson theatre

Kit Kat Club at the August Wilson Theatre

245 W 52nd Street, New York, New York, 10019, United States